Homemade Fresh Egg Pasta Recipe

Homemade Fresh Egg Pasta



Prep time:
1hrs 30mins

Cook time:
3 mins



Prep time:
1hrs 30mins

Cook time:
3 mins

Fresh home made egg pasta, using Cromwell Farms eggs.


  • 5 fresh eggs

  • 500 gm plain flour


  • In a bowl, crack the eggs and give them a quick whisk to break them up.

  • Add the flour and using a fork mix together to form a scrappy looking dough.

  • Using your hands, press and squeeze the dough together and begin kneading it, pressing and folding.. pressing and folding.. until you have a smooth ball of dough (around 8-10 minutes).

  • Wrap and set aside to rest for 1 hour.

  • Place on a flat surface and using a rolling pin, press out the dough and begin rolling it flat, giving it a quarter turn every so often to keep the shape and thickness even.

  • Continue rolling and turning (dusting with a little flour if the dough is sticking) until it’s thin enough to see the shadow of your hand through.

  • Cut into manageable sized pieces and into your desired shape and size (tagliatelle, pappardelle, lasagne).

  • Cook in salted boiling water for about 3 minutes, or until al dente, and toss with something delicious like beef ragu – yum!

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